The Department of Life Sciences (DoLS) at Imperial College London, headed by Professor Daniel Davis, embraces the full breadth of modern life sciences activity. It is one of the largest life sciences groups in Europe, with approximately 100 academic staff, 180+ research fellows and post-doctoral researchers, 50+ technical services staff, 40+ professional services staff, 200+ PhD students, 200+ Masters students and 800+ UG students. The Department's research and teaching activities are funded by a wide variety of research councils, charities and industries bodies, with the value of current external research grants totalling more than £100 million.

DoLS is located on 2 campuses at South Kensington and Silwood Park. Research activity is organised into 12 themes; in addition, staff are integrated into a number of multidisciplinary, cross-departmental research centres. We run 2 undergraduate degrees (Biology and Biochemistry/Biotechnology), and 16 Masters courses.

Klebsiella pneumoniae is a multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogen that causes life-threatening infections and is one of the most serious public health problems.

There is currently no vaccine against Klebsiella pneumoniae. The main vaccine antigen, the capsular polysaccharide, exists as more than 75 different serotypes, making a broadly protective conjugated vaccine very difficult and costly to produce. The aim of this project is to identify novel antigens as potential vaccine candidates fake uhren against Klebsiella pneumonia. The Klebsiella genome will be screened to identify surface-exposed antigens, which will then be characterised for their functional and immunological properties. The most promising antigens playing a key role in virulence and immunogenicity, either alone or in combination with selected capsular polysaccharides or O-antigens, may guide the design of a multivalent Klebsiella pneumoniae vaccine.


Siamo alla ricerca di un candidato interessato ad unirsi al nostro gruppo di ricerca per un assegno di 22 mesi dal titolo “Caratterizzazione e identificazione di specie batteri del microbiota intestinale coinvolte nell’inibizione di COVID-19” finanziato nell’ambito del bando PRIN2022 PNRR.
Progetto: “Gut microbiome ecology and evolution during COVID-19 infection”.
(scadenza il 10/01/2024)

Le persone interessate possono rivolgersi per qualsiasi richiesta di chiarimento alla responsabile
Dott.ssa Sabrina Tamburini
Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari e Nanosistemi
Università Ca Foscari Venezia

Siamo alla ricerca di candidati per un assegno di ricerca interessati a unirsi al nostro gruppo per lavorare al progetto "Genomics of Trichomonas vaginalis associated mycoplasma species to define the contribution of mobilome mycoplasma drug resistance, pathogenicity, and microbial symbioses (Mymo: MYcoplasma MObilome)” finanziato nell’ambito del bando PRIN2022.
Link al bando di concorso (scadenza il 11/12/2023)

Le persone interessate possono rivolgersi per qualsiasi richiesta rolex replica di chiarimento al responsabile
Prof. Daniele Dessì
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche
Università di Sassari

We seek a candidate interested in joining our research group to embark on a PhD journey titled: "Utilizing Molecular Ecology and Environmental Chemistry for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage."

Keywords: Microbiome - Environmental chemistry - Rock weathering - Cultural and Natural Heritage.
Location: Bolzano-Bozen. Italy.
Required language: English
Project partner:
Link to the call:
Application deadline: 11 September 2023, 12:00 midday (CEST)

If you need any information about the positions or the project topic, please don't hesitate to contact me at your convenience.

Best Regards
Luigi Borruso

Nel nostro lab ZooPlantLab - BIOME Research Team @Università di Milano-Bicocca si aprono 2 posizioni per PhD student a decorrere da Novembre 2023. Si tratta del corso di dottorato in Tecnologie Convergenti per i Sistemi Biomolecolari/Converging Technologies for Biomolecular Systems (TeCSBi).
La deadline per le application è a breve: 19 Aprile alle 11.59 am!

Gli argomenti sono
1) “Il microbioma dell'ambiente costruito e dell'uomo: strategie per il monitoraggio del rischio nell'assistenza di prossimità”/“The microbiome of the built environment and host: strategies for risk monitoring in proximity care”

2) “Sviluppo di un framework per implementare la ricerca sul microbioma cutaneo: dai dati all'applicazione”/“Developing a framework to improve skin microbiome research: from data to application.”

Potete trovare il testo integrale del bando qui e in allegato gli abstract dei progetti (TECSBI.2 e TECSBI.3).

Le borse di dottorato sono finanziate dal progetto PNC ANTHEM (AdvaNced Technologies for Human-centrEd Medicine).
Come è facile intuire, si tratta di un progetto focalizzato sulla medicina.
Noi cerchiamo di leggere in chiave "microbial ecology" una delle più complesse dinamiche biologiche: l'interazione uomo-ambiente-microbiota, al fine di rendere più sicuri e sani ospedali, point of care e altri ambienti artificiali.

I due progetti di dottorato sono complementari: uno è incentrato principalmente sul lato del microbioma degli ambienti, in particolare gli ambienti artificiali; l'altro sul microbioma host-associated, quello (della pelle) delle persone che frequentano tali ambienti. Il primo ha una grande componente di wet lab, mentre il secondo prevede un approccio data-driven con una forte impronta bioinformatica. Naturalmente molto dipenderà anche dall'inclinazione dei candidati.

Qui il/la candidato/a troverà un ambiente amichevole e stimolante, dove le opportunità di crescita non mancheranno, così come le "contaminazioni" con altri gruppi di ricerca. Sicuramente una persona appassionata e che ha voglia di mettersi in gioco si troverà bene con noi!

Per ulteriori info, contattare:

Dear friends, I would like to inform you that I have been involved as a co-tutor in a Ph.D. program “STRIKE—HORIZON-MSCA-2021-DN-01 (, coordinated by the University of Messina. The project aims to develop a research and training network in nanomedicine/precision medicine. I would like to ask you to help the “STRIKE” program to disseminate the recruitment call (deadline 23rd April 2023)

The program is open to students with a master’s degree in Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Science/ Biology/Physics/ Biomaterial engineering or related topics.

I'll list the topics below:
Project 1: Development of smart magnetically controlled MNPs (magnetic nanoplatforms) for osteosarcoma treatment at Messina University (UniME), Italy

Project 2: Biological evaluation of new magnetic nanotherapeutics (NanoTher) in 2D and 3D scaffold-based in vitro osteosarcoma models at National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Science, Technology and Sustainability for Ceramics (CNR-ISSMC), Italy.

Project 3: Design, synthesis, characterisation and interaction with magnetic nanoplatforms of Pt(IV) pro-drugs selective for osteosarcoma cancer at National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM), Ireland.

Project 4: Magnetic nanostructured composites for a targeted drug delivery at Palacký University in Olomouc (UP), Czech Republic.

Project 5: Dormant cells in OS: biological characterization and therapeutic targeting at University of Nantes (UN), France

Project 6: Exploiting nanomagnetism for improving intratumoral drug delivery at Nanotech Solutions (NTSOL) Spain.

Project 7: Development of MB-based purification of biomarkers from liquid biopsy for early detection of cancer in BRCA+ subjects at Cogentech (Cogentech) (Italy).

Project 8: Radiolabeling and in vivo evaluation of pharmacokinetics of labeled drugs or drug carriers at Medizinische Universitaet Wien (MUW) Austria.
