Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis in Riga is looking for the head of the Natural Product Research Group in the Horizon ERA Chair project Natalion (HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01).

The candidate will be responsible for the development of her/his Natural Products Research group, for which funds to cover ~5 FTEs are secured for 5 years.

See for further details.

Presso il Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie dell’Università di Pavia, nel laboratorio di Microbiologia Molecolare diretto dalla Prof.ssa Maria Rosalia Pasca (E-mail: è disponibile un assegno di ricerca per un anno, rinnovabile per un altro anno sullo studio di nuove strategie contro Mycobacterium abscessus.
Nello specifico si studierà meglio il meccanismo di azione di un composto molto attivo contro M. abscessus. Inoltre, si studieranno anche la sua patogenicità per mettere in atto nuove strategie anti-virulenza.

Titolo richiesto: Dottorato di ricerca in area biologica. I candidati per la posizione di assegno di ricerca devono avere svolto un dottorato di ricerca attinente al tema generale della ricerca, documentato da adeguate pubblicazioni scientifiche e da minimo 2 referenze.

Specifiche competenze richieste: Conoscenza di tecniche di microbiologia e biologia molecolare. Esperienza pregressa nella ricerca sui micobatteri è considerato un valore aggiunto.
La durata dell’assegno è annuale rinnovabile per 1 anno e l’importo del salario mensile è di circa 1.750 euro netti.
L’inizio del lavoro è previsto per il 1° marzo 2023.
Informazioni: (Scadenza bando: 09/01/2023).

Per contatti fare riferimento alla Prof.ssa Maria Rosalia Pasca: E-mail:

Il gruppo di Systems e Computational Biology, Dip. di Biologia, Università di Firenze ha aperto una posizione di post-doc (assegno di ricerca) di tipo sperimentale della durata di 2 anni sul tema dell'identificazione di nuovi target per molecole antibiotiche e comprensione dei meccanismi cellulari di resistenza.

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili alla seguente pagina.

Post-doc position announcement

The Computational and Systems biology lab of the University of Florence is opening a 2-year experimental post-doc position to work on the identification of novel antibiotic targets and elucidation of resistance cellular mechanisms.

We are looking for a motivated post-doc with an experimental  background.

Details of this position can be found at the following link:
or emailing me at
Thanks in advance for sharing this message with anyone potentially interested.

The De Francesco group is recruiting a researcher (Senior post-doctoral level). We are seeking a highly motivated and collaborative Scientist to support efforts in the discovery of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of emerging infectious diseases, with a focus on respiratory Coronavirus infections.
Duration of the contract will be 3 years starting March 2023.

Environment: The INGM Virology laboratory is part of the National Institute of Molecular Genetics (INGM, The laboratory provides state-of-the-art facilities for cellular
and molecular biology, microscopy, bioinformatics and top-level research virology with levels 2 and 3 laboratories. It is located in the Campus of the Policlinico hospital in Milano, a research environment endowed with strong interest in basic and translational sciences and a particular dedication in the research on infectious diseases. The De Francesco group research activities focus on molecular virology and the discovery of new antiviral agents that have the potential to become part of novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment and cure acute and chronic viral disease.

Education and experience:
•    Ph.D. in Biology of equivalent qualification.
•    Post-doctoral experience in cellular and molecular biology.
•    Previous experience in virology represents a plus.
•    Ability to work independently.
•    Team player with good communication skills
•    Excellent written and communication skills in English are required.

If interested in receiving additional details, please send an email to Raffaele De Franesco ( along with the following:
- Cover letter
- Concise summary of previous research activities
- Curriculum vitae including publication list and contact details for 2 referees

A research fellowship is available in the Microbiology laboratory directed by Prof. Francesco Imperi at the Department of Science, Roma Tre University, as part of the PRIN2020 project "Escaping the ESKAPEs: integrated pipelines for new antibacterial drugs”.
The candidate will be involved in the characterization of essential proteins involved in cell envelope biogenesis in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and in the evaluation of inhibitors identified by virtual screening through in vitro and in vivo assays.
Duration: 1 year (renewable)
Deadline for application: November 22nd, 2022
For further information, check the link and/or contact Prof. Francesco Imperi (

A research fellowship is available at the Molecular Ecology Group of the CNR-IRSA, Verbania, in the frame of the PRIN2020 project "IdeARG" - Identification and isolation of antibiotic resistance gene containing freshwater bacteria in an eco-evolutionary frame - funded by MIUR.

The project deals with the antimicrobial resistance in the environment The main responsibilities of the Post-doc will be isolation of antibiotic resistant bacteria from lake sediments, genome analysis and experiments with these strains in complex communities. Find more about the project by checking the link

For further information, please contact Dr. Ester Eckert (

Duration: 18 months

Deadline for application: October 26, 2022